Monday, March 2, 2009

Yes, the baby is a baby no more. Kyra partied hard on Saturday, 2/28, as she officially turned two-years-old. There was cake & ice cream; there was family; there was presents & fun.... but there was NO nap! Kyra looks forward to new and exciting adventures through out this active year!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kyra has discovered the joy of the Wii. Her parents must be full of disfunction!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Party Hat

We recently did a photo shoot to create Kyra's birthday inviations. She's ready for the party already!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Blues

Kyra has been keeping busy playing inside, while waiting for the outside to thaw. She is very hopeful that she and the swingset will once, again, be reunited!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas was a blast with Kyra the 22-month-old! Kyra now knows that Santa is a pretty cool dude (and thank goodness we have a bigger house to accomodate all of Santa's generosity). Tearing the paper to shreds seemed to be the highlight of opening gifts, which was much better than last year when eating the paper was the highligh of opening gifts! Kyra seemed to take it in stride when, a week after Christmas, every bit of the Christmas decorations were packed away while she slept. She bolted to the living room, stared at the corner where the tree formerly camped, shrugged her shoulders, turned her tiny palms upward and stated, "Christmas all gone, Mommy." It's like she knows her birthday is right around the corner!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

lET iT sNOW!!

We woke November 30th to 5 inches of snow! A quick trip to the mall for snow pants and boots and we were snow bunnies, for sure. We didn't count on 5 inches of snow being up to Kyra's knees, though (a little tough to walk). She said she's ready for skis, now!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

20 Months Old

That's not a wig, folks! Can you believe she's had several trims in her short lifetime, too!!